Friday 23 August 2013

23 August 2013

Well, welcome to my first attempt at Blogging. Don't expect too much :-)
The business at Cherry Blossom Bonsai began around 14 years ago and grew from a burgeoning hobby interest in Bonsai. We offer a full range of retail goods including trees, tools, pots, specialist soils, as well as one to one tuition.
Our online shop is here
I thought I would start with a progression of a large Juniper that was removed from our garden a couple of years ago. It was a garden tree and not designated for any purpose connected with potted trees. However having decided it needed removing it seemed such a waste to just skip it and so it found its way into a plastic tub where it was left to grow for the next 2 years,
Here's some idea of what it looked like at the start, a friend of mine was roped in to help lift the heavy tree. It was about 3 metres across when lifted!

Having trimmed the extremities to make the piece more manageable it was placed in a tub and left to recover.

Over the next couple of years branches were selected for growing and gradually the mass was reduced.

Until we get to this year when it was time to make the call on how the tree would eventually look. You get some idea of the final design.

There is still a lot of work to do in carving the dead wood but the basic framework is there to build a large bonsai.

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